Date : 29th  August 2022


Time   : 10:00 am


Venue:  School premises


Present in the programe:

  1. Ms Roopa Ashok Shetty - Principal - ASE
  2. Teaching and Non-teaching staff
  3. Students of Grade KG to VIII


  1. Assembly was conducted by students.
  2. Importance and introduction of the day was given by Grade 8th student.
  3. Students made Ganesha idol with clay, mud and atta etc
  4. Student spoke about Ganesh Chaturthi.



  • We at Akshara school of excellence celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi, the birthday of Lord Ganesha on 29th August 2022


  • Some competitions like idol making with clay, mud and atta etc and drawing and colouring were held for students.


  • Kindergarten children were given an image of Ganesha to colour.


  • Grade 1students had colouring and idol making competition with clay and atta .


  • Grade 2 to 4 students made Ganesha idol with clay, mud and atta etc


  • Grade 5 to 8 had drawing, idol making and writing Ganesh Sthothram competition


  • All the students participated in the idol making and drawing and colouring competition


  • Students artistic work was judged by art and craft teacher


  • Students were awarded for their work



Report submitted by Ms. Usha Poojary - Teacher.


Roopa Ashok Shetty
