School's Discipline

Students should follow the discipline of the school. The school lays emphasis on discipline and expect that the students of the school shall abide by the rules and regulations strictly.


Parental attention towards studies and related matters:

  1. Students are required to reach in time, dressed in proper uniform.
  2. Parents must watch and guide their child’s studies at home. Constant encouragement should be given to improve the child’s performance.
  3. Please send your child to school every day. Do not allow the child to be absent for silly reasons. However, please do not send the child to school if he/she is suffering from any severe illness. 
  4. No student is expected to act in a manner which effect the image of the school and is expected to behave in the same way while he is outside the school.
  5. Leave shall not be taken without the prior approval of the Principal, if it is for 3 or more working days, or if it is during any test or exam. Leave has to be sought by parent through a formal application addressed to the Principal. The leave will be sanctioned by the Principal only if the reasons are valid and convincing. 
  6. Letters sent to the parents must be acknowledged.
  7. Parents should see that their children are punctual and they are provided with necessary books, stationary and come to school with completed home assignments.
  8. Phone calls to the school office/Principal without identify of the parents will not be encouraged. Calls will be attended between 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.
  9. Private tuitions are not encouraged as individual attention will be given to  each child.


Parental attention to certain disciplinary Matters.

  1. Parents are requested not to allow children to bring any costly electronic gadgets such as laptops, iPod’s, cameras, mobile phones, videogames etc. Violation of this rule will attract severe disciplinary actions. If such items are found with the child, they will be confiscated and kept in school. Parents must come personally to claim them. Parents shall sensitize children on the ill – effects of the excessive use of mobile phones and social media.
  2. Parents and students are discouraged strongly from giving any kind of gifts to the teachers /members or the other staff.
  3. Students are not permitted to bring money to the school unless there is clear instruction for doing so.
  4. Bringing and distributing junk food like chocolates, cookies, chewing gums and other bakery products are strictly disapproved. Let’s cultivate the habit of eating healthy food right from the young age.
  5. Girls shall comb their hair neatly and fasten them only with black hair grips, clips, hair bands and ribbons. Those having shoulder length hair or long hair must tie their hair neatly into plaits.
  6. Boys must have a decent haircut. Long hair, wedge cut, mushroom cut and any other freaky hair styles are not allowed.
  7. Parents have a responsibility to encourage modest, decent and good dressing habits conforming to acceptable social norms amongst the children from early stages of their development.
  8. If the student’s hairstyle or uniform are not in accordance with the school rules or if a student violates these norms strict action will be taken against them.
  9. Coloured clothes can be worn by the child on birthdays. But avoid distribution of chocolates/sweets or gifts to children or teachers.
  10. Child is encourage to donate books on her/his birthdays.


  • Based on the directives of WHO (World Health Organization) we have banned bringing and consuming junk food of all kinds at school. We also urge parents to enforce this ban at home and safeguard the health of their children.



  • Parents/Students are requested to keep to the school vehicle timings and wait at the left side (door side) of vehicle to board in the morning.

  • Parents/Students shall not attempt to stop the buses in any other place other than their own designated stops

  • No student is permitted to change his bus or stop at any time without the principal permission.

  • If any student misbehaves in the bus his/her bus facility will be suspended.

  • Parents of small children shall accompany the child and help the child board the bus in the morning, and receive the child by waiting on the left side (door-side) of the vehicle in the evenings. Parents are requested to keep to vehicle timings.

  • Children have a tendency to run as soon as they get down from the bus. Parents of small children are therefore requested to come and hold the child, when they alight from the bus, and move forward or go across the road, only after the school bus has left. This is very important from the point of view of safety.

  • Parents are not allowed to travel by school vehicles or accompany the children to the school by school vehicles. 



Parent’s visit to school:

  1. Parents are requested to visit the school for all the queries only during office hours on working days.

School Office Hours    :     Monday to Friday : 09:00 am to 05:00 pm      Saturday  : 09:00 am to 01:00 pm


  1. Parents who wish to meet the Principal would do well to seek a prior appointment.

  2. Parents shall not come to meet teachers on working days. They shall meet teachers only on second and fourth Saturdays.

  3. Parents are requested to meet the child class teachers at least once in a term to help in child’s overall development.


Tests, Exams and Promotions:

  1. The school will conduct periodic tests and exams as per the government rules.

  2. Student’s performance will be assessed continuously in various ways such as assignments, activity sheets, projects, systematic completion of work. Assessment will be informal most of the time, but it will be an ongoing process.

  3. Report card of the child will have to be seen at school and signed by the parent when asked to do so. Students will accompany their parents on that day and be in their school uniform.

  4. Student’s promotion will be based on their entire year’s performance.



  • Regular attendance in classes is required for promotion. A student will not be promoted to the next higher class if his/her attendance falls below 75%.



Library and computer center

  1. Students are requested to use the library and computer Centre with great diligence and care, for their mental and intellectual nourishment.

  2. They will co-operate with the library and Computer Centre staff, in maintaining order and discipline.

  3. Students shall take care not to lose, damage or deface any of the materials, fixtures and equipment’s that are provided.


School uniform

  1. All students must be in school uniform on all working days.

  2. No student is allowed to wear any other coloured T-shirt, jeans pant or shorts/skirts while in the school campus. 

  3. Fancy cardigans, jackets, trousers, shortened and tightened skirts are not allowed. The hems of the skirts/tunics should be below the knees.

  4. Boys are expected to have proper haircuts and not to follow weird hairstyles. At no time must the hair fall over the shirt collar

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday    :  Regular Uniform

  • Tuesday     : House colour (Red, Yellow, Blue, Green)

  • Thursday     : Track pant and T-shirt

  • Saturday     : Track/scouts/guides/ bunnies etc


School timings

                     Grade I to Grade X   :  Monday to Friday : 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM             Saturday (No Bag Day) : 09:00 AM to 12:30 PM  


                   Kindergarten  :                 Monday to Friday : 09:00 AM to 03:30 PM             Saturday : HOLIDAY