Date : 23rd August 2022

Time : 09:30 am



Present in the Ceremony:

(1) Mr. Anil Kumar M R                             -           Secretary - ASE

(2) Ms. Vinutha M R                                    -           Academic Advisor – ASE              

(3) Ms. Roopa Ashok Shetty                       -           Principal-ASE CRP

(4) Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff members

(5) Parents and students



  1. Escorting the dignitaries   by  Ms. Roopa Ashok Shetty- Principal.
  2. Prayer by Choir group students.
  3. Introduction & Welcoming the gathering by Ms Deepika- Teacher
  4. March Past of Student council members comprising of class 7th and grade 8th students.
  5. Oath taking
  6. Pinning Badge & Sash to School Cabinet Minister by Mr Anil Kumar M R – Secretary
  7. Oath by the cabinet Ministers read by Principal
  8. Lighting the Lamp
  9. Presidential Speech & Address by Chief Guest
  10. School Pupil Speech by Miss. Monala C H of grade 8
  11. Vote of Thanks by Master. Alok Kumar- ASPL














  • Students were assembled in the ground at 9:15am.
  • Principal Ms. Roopa Ashok Shetty escorted the dignitaries to the Dias at 09:30am
  • The programme was invoked by prayer, by our students (school choir group)
  • Teacher Ms. Deepika welcomed the gathering.
  • The March past of student council members compressing of class 7th and 8th students was led by the speaker Monala C.H of Grade 8.
  • Oath was taken by our speaker, read by Mr. Anil Kumar M R who also pinned the badges to all the cabinet ministers.
  • Pinning Badge & Sash to School Cabinet Ministers by Secretary Mr Anil Kumar M R and Academic Advisor Ms Vinutha M R.
  • Mr. Anil Kumar M R, secretary addressed the gathering
  • Our school pupil leader (SPL) spoke few words.
  • Karate students were honoured by our secretary Mr Anil Kumar M R.
  • Vote of thanks was proposed by Asst School pupil leader(ASPL) Alok Kumar.
  • The programme was ended with school Anthem and National Anthem.
  • The programme was anchored by our teachers Ms. Linet Tellis and Ms. Naiha Thakur.

Report submitted by Mr. Ajith B S – Physical Education Teacher