Teacher training Programme on


Date: 27 and 28 December 2022 (2 Days)

Venue: School Premises - Reception Area

 Trainer: Mr. Vijith K T

                Regional Academic Excellence Expert




This workshop was conducted by Mr Vijith K T to make the teachers understand the classroom problems and how to deal it with simple technique. Teachers have to deal with lot of students issues on daily basis. Teachers can help, assist or guide students at risk or with difficulties at earlier stages and then refer them to well trained counselors. These counselors have critical role to play in supporting teachers helping their difficult pupils.

Classroom management can be the most important thing a teacher can do for his or her classroom.  Classroom management is to ensure that the classroom is run smoothly and to create an positive environment which creates growth in the classroom. If the teacher loses control of their classroom it is very difficult to handle the class. Mr Vijith emphasized the teacher to try different teaching techniques. He also   gave tips on how to involve students in different tasks and make them feel important. He advised the teachers to always remain calm and also suggested breathing techniques to control our temper.

         This workshop was an educative one which gave the teachers a wide array of solutions to control the classroom and thereby bring out positive learning in students. 

