Date :  September 24th , 2022                                                                        

English Basic Course for Parents

October 11th to 15th,2022 (5 Days)

 Dear Parents,

                             This is to inform you that as English is needed to understand the communication regarding school matters, we have planned to conduct a 5 days Basic English coaching class for parents from 11th October to 15th October (no fees) Interested parents can register their names in the school office on or before 30/09/2022. For the first batch only the first 20 registered parents will be taken. 

English Basic course for Parents will be held as per the following schedule:


Date : October 11th to 15th,2022 (5 Days)


Time : 10:00 AM


Venue: SCHOOL PREMISES (Class Room)



Thanks & Regards,


Roopa Ashok Shetty 
